

 Rajasthan, February '11   Look how relaxed this goat looks riding on a motorcycle, like it's considering whether it will have a sack of oats or go with a leather sandal tonight for supper.
New York, July 22 '11  It was 100 degrees today in this place I help out at. John's friend came in and they greeted each other by hugging and then dancing to a song on the radio.
    Kitty and "Joe", Randolph, Vt. July '11


  1. Hey, a blog :) I'm following from now on. Awesome pictures, as always. Miss ya, man. Beijos!

  2. Hey Bri!!

    Your blog is awesome, BUT, word of advise, brighten your comments, they will be easier to read, and highlight the comment link, people will miss it other wise, I have a blogger blog as well.....let me know if you'd like to join, we bitch about politics and the government,,, GOOD STUFF!!!

    BTW, I posted your blog on mine, my readers are loving your pics and words!! :))
