

 Dhaka, Bangladesh  Oct. '12  The Hazaribagh leather tanning district is one of the world's largest suppliers of leather. There are tanneries as far as the eye can see. Conditions are poor with no effective environmental or labor regulations but, like most everyone I met in Dhaka, people are warm and open and very, very curious about relatively tall white guys. I'll be doing an edit and putting a gallery up about this place soon. I bought a couple of belts here, one with the grim reaper buckle on it and one with a bull on it, I think.

 Varanasi, India  Oct. '12  I don't know where to start writing about Varanasi. It was an education on so many levels. I'll write more... This is a cattle guy on the far shore of the Ganges where I enjoyed poking around. You wouldn't believe the things I found in the mud. Poke, poke...

Rio De Janeiro  Sept. '12   A monkey chase (see below).